FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE

The FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE (MAD AS HELL) mod is a unique crossover between two popular games. Developed by ShutUpJojo, the mod was inspired by a tweet from Animation Sensation. It features Boyfriend and Girlfriend facing off against Sonic.exe, a popular fan-made character known for its creepy and eerie appearance.

FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE
Play FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE

Gameplay and Features

This online mod can be played in the browser without the need to download any files. The gameplay is similar to the original Friday Night Funkin' game, where players must match the rhythm of the music by pressing the correct arrow keys. However, the game introduces a new character, Sonic.exe, who is challenging to beat due to its complex and challenging dance moves.

The FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE (MAD AS HELL) mod features three different difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard. Each level presents a unique set of challenges, with the hard mode being the most challenging. The game also features new background art and custom music tracks, which adds to the overall experience.

Plot and Storyline

The mod's storyline revolves around Boyfriend and Girlfriend facing off against Sonic.exe, who is determined to defeat them in a battle of the bands. The game's cutscenes introduce the character of Sonic.exe and explain its backstory, which is both intriguing and unsettling.

As players progress through the game, they uncover more about Sonic.exe's motivations and personality. The mod's ending is open-ended, leaving players to speculate about what will happen next.

Final Thoughts

The FNF Breaking Point vs Sonic.EXE (MAD AS HELL) mod is an exciting crossover that combines the best of two popular games. The gameplay is challenging, and the storyline is intriguing, making it a must-play for fans of both Friday Night Funkin' and Sonic.exe. Whether Boyfriend and Girlfriend will defeat Sonic.exe or not is up to the players to decide. So why not give it a try and find out?


Artist, VA, and Director - ShutUpJojo

Charter, Coder, Animator, Artist - bizzledrizzle

Animator, Artist - AllLogan

Musician - Alien

Artist who made the original idea - Animation Sensation

Creators of the game - Ninja-muffin24

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